Access Patient Images
For urgent report or image access, please contact Rikke Kronborg on 0429 016 671 or our IT Support on (03) 9348 3344
Email: ITSupport@capitalradiology.com.au
Access Patient Images via clickable report URLs
With one-click on the URL link at the bottom of your patient’s diagnostic report, you can simply and securely access your patient’s images while remaining within your practice management software.
To view images in this way – you will need to have an Inteleconnect account and be logged into Inteleconnect.
NOTE: If your practice management software does not support hyperlinks, simply copy and paste the link into the address bar of your web browser.
If you experience any issues with access, please contact Rikke Kronborg (your Medical Liaision Officer).
Online software
Radiology Tasmania provides secure and convenient access to patient images online through the Intelerad software called radtas-online.
If you do not have a radtas-online account, please email Rikke at r.kronborg@radiologytasmania.com.au to request access. Please include your full name, provider number, speciality and practice address in your request.
This Intelerad software has 2 viewer options:
Inteleconnect offers easy, user friendly access to Radiology Tasmania images and reports, while leaving zero-footprint on your computer. Because it is zero-footprint, Inteleconnect has limited tools available for image manipulation. You can usually set this up on your computer yourself, please contact us if you would like instructions on how to do this. We’re always happy to visit your practice and do this for you. If you’re already registered to access patient reports and images via InteleConnect, simply click here to login.
Inteleviewer provides more detailed images with many tools available for image manipulation. The Inteleviewer program needs to be installed on your computer. Please contact us if you would like to organise this.
Any questions?
If you have any questions please phone Rikke on 0429 016 671 or email: r.kronborg@radiologytasmania.com.au
Rikke can also provide links and user-guides for radtas-online.
Order referral pads
Work with our Medical Liaison Officer to order more referral pads.
Send referrals straight from your practice management software
We make it easy for practitioners and referring doctors to access patient images online.